_______lables: wedding - engagement - fashion -
compliments -::_____ _______

{ Welcome to Castaldo Studio Blog! }

Thank you for stopping by at my site and welcome to my professional and personal Life. My name is Domenico Castaldo and I'm a wedding photographer from Orlando, Florida.
This blog site is my journal to life's journey and adventure, both professional and personal. I'll be posting recent works, weddings, portraits and my travels around the world. This blogger site is more like my personal diary, combined with helpful information for potential clients and a bulletin board for my existing clients. This site is a little more informal and I just want to give my clients a sense of who I am, and what I am all about.We do love that you also visit our webgallery site at for more information regarding
formal stuffs, contract, pricing etc. Exisiting clients and their families and friends are encouraged to check our BLOGSITE often to get the latest going-ons in Castaldostudio photography world plus you can access there whole wedding proofs if you know the password.
I'm sure that if you get the invitation for the wedding then you know the password...

Potential clients can see photos from our featured weddings, equipments and vendors that we worked with, you can also get a feel to know me a little bit. We also start a new Blog for all the PHOTOGRAPHERS that look at my work and ask my about equipment, Photoshop and Seminar this is a source of inspiration and education for other photographers, just follow SEMINARS.
If you just came across my blog site and not really looking for a photographer I still doencourage you to look at the pictures, and hopefully you will enjoy it, and of course if you knowsomebody who is looking for one, hey! you can forward my site I travel anywhere in earth.I like to write the way I speak, so please forgive any grammatical or literary fumbles.
Now just sit back and relax and enjoy the photos. Again, Thank you for your time viewing
my blog site and feel free to send me comments if you like.
